Why cat sitting?

Many have asked, why do cats need looking after? After all they are able to fend for themselves! But the real question is why not!?! The animals that we have at home inevitably become more than just pets, more than “something to look after”.

They are family.

Pets are really the only type of family that you can choose, while cats choose not to be as obedient as dogs. They still need the care that we afford to the humans in the family and in the UK alone it is estimated that there are around 12.5 million cats!


Like us, cats like the familiar.

Whether it be their home, their garden or people and being able to reside in their own home helps to reassure them while their owner is away whether it be for a day or a month. Cat sitting therefore is often the happier option for both the Cat and their owners

Archie, Tilly & Molly

Archie, Tilly & Molly


Why house sitting?

We all like to be the Kings and Queens of our Castle but not everyone can afford a dragon, moat or a hydra (unless you live in “game of thrones”!), so it is nice and reassuring to know that your home is never left totally alone while you are away. It is also nice to come back to a house that is neat, tidy and has been well cared for in your absence.